
Ambient Beats

MaxMsp | Arduino | Maya | Fritzing


Set in a dark room, the installation covers about 5 square meters. Up to 5 participants can tap with their foot on the 5 wooden boxes on the floor to produce audiovisual effects that are projected on a nearby wall. The result is a collective audiovisual composition.



Each platform is covered with Plexiglas and has a piezoelectric crystal taped to it that generates a small voltage every time it is tapped. The voltage is sent to an Arduino micro-controller that translates it into digital signal and sends it to a MaxMsp based custom 6 channel video mixer, that treats the signal to trigger different audio-visual effects. At the same time voltage is sent to the wooden platform where some LED light are placed to serve as immediate feedback to the user and an enhanced visual effect to the installation. The wooden platforms are spaced away from each other in order to force multiple people to interact together in order to create more complex compositions.



Defining, planning and managing the project. Researching, engineering, prototyping, programming and building all technical and electrical aspects. Testing and final Assembly.



Daniel Rivera: Getting Visual Effects, Circuit Building Christopher Michael: Platform Building, Circuit Building and Project related Website Umer Usman: Getting Sound Effects, Circuit Building

03/04 - Ambient Beats